Dr Tsiang is an eye surgeon who specialises in Adult and Children Eye Disease. She is an expert cataract surgeon with extensive experience in cataract refractive management.
Her subspecialty interests include children eye diseases (eg baby cataracts, glaucoma and squints), eyelid diseases (droopy eyelids, eyelid malpositions, thyroid eye disease) and squints/strabismus.
In addition, Dr Tsiang also has a special interest in the management of dry eye, allergic eye disease and blepharitis. Other conditions managed include glaucoma and diabetic eye disease.
Dr Tsiang pursued her undergraduate and postgraduate subspecialty training in the United Kingdom (UK), which culminated with the award of the CCT (certificate of completion of training) by the Royal College of Ophthalmologists in London in 2011. During that period, she had the good fortune of working with leading experts from Addenbrooke’s Hospital (Cambridge), Southampton University Hospital, Manchester Eye Hospital and the Royal Hallamshire Hospital (Sheffield).
Dr Tsiang is active in research and education, and has published widely in her field of expertise. She has presented at numerous international meetings and is an examiner for the Royal College of Ophthalmologists, London. She also contributes to charity organisations like Lifeline Express in China.
In 2018, Dr Tsiang became one of the founding members of the newly formed Malaysian Oculoplastic Interest Group (OIG).